Check out past campaigns created and led by youth groups from all over the world.
"Puberty - Let's be open. Let's share."
We are eight young, ever-growing people from Lao Cai, Vietnam, who are learning more and more about ourselves everyday – and we want to share that with others!
“End School Drop Out”
We are 15 young people from the rural area of Ntcheu in Traditional Authority Kwataine, Machira Village, Malawi. We want to empower children and youth to stay in school.
“Safe Space for All Girls”
A part of Girl Determined – an organization that empowers young girls from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds across Myanmar – we, Colorful Girls, want to make sure girls in our villages around Mandalay can feel safe and supported.
“Know What You Breathe”
We are Air Quality Yangon, a group of students in Yangon, Myanmar who have come together to improve the health of our community, starting from the very thing that gives us life: breath.