“Safe Space for All Girls”

Mandalay, Myanmar | Colorful Girls | 2020


A part of Girl Determined – an organization that empowers young girls from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds across Myanmar – we, Colorful Girls, want to make sure girls in our villages around Mandalay can feel safe and supported.


The Right-Sized Problem

It’s rare that you’ll see a girl lead anything in Myanmar. This is not surprising, given how girls across our country are constantly harassed simply because they are girls – while the rest of the community just stands by and says nothing. From teasing to catcalling, this social tendency has been normalized and leaves girls feeling unsafe and uncomfortable in our own homes.


What did we do?

We want to see a world where girls can feel confident to walk down the street without being afraid of getting harassed. With “Colorful Strength”, we created ‘the clap’ and a song for girls and those who stand by them to speak up about gender-based harassment.


How did we do it?


Impact on the community in Mandalay

Hundreds of people attended our on-ground events. The song was shared online by the public and influencers across Myanmar reaching over two million people, sparking dialogues about gender-based harassment and encouraging girls to take on leadership roles. We also created a toolbox to be shared with other girls so they can also execute their own campaigns where they live.


Words from the Colorful Girls

“Before this campaign, when I got teased or cat-called by boys, I didn’t dare to say anything. Just ignore it and go on my way. Now we are leading this campaign and I am more confident in myself. I’ve become stronger.” – Nandar Oo

“I believe I can now lead and organize not only in my village, but also other villages. I what to share with them that sexual harassment is not only relating with sex, it also includes street harassment and touching someone else’s face or their body without their permission.” – Pyae Sone


“End School Drop Out”


“Know What You Breathe”