“Plastic Time Off”

Yangon, Myanmar | Young City Shapers | 2020


We are Young City Shapers, a dynamic group of youth committed to transforming Yangon into a city that embodies the principles of cleanliness, health, vibrancy, inclusivity, and sustainability. Originating from our experiences as dedicated volunteers with Doh Eain—a placemaking social enterprise—we have a shared belief in the power of rejuvenating urban spaces. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for residents, stimulate local socio-economic development, and foster community well-being and environmental sustainability.


The Right-Sized Problem

Our city, Yangon, faces a pressing issue: the general public often mistreats shared community spaces, carelessly littering them with waste.


What did we do?

Through audience interviews, we discovered that this negligence largely stems from a mindset that if there is no communal concern or waste management infrastructure, individual action is irrelevant. This disconnection people feel towards their shared spaces needed to be addressed, and we decided to step in.

We launched the #plastictimeoff campaign, an initiative aimed at educating and mobilizing the Yangon community about responsible waste management. The campaign employed a digital challenge that urged citizens to share creative ways to minimize their usage of single-use plastics. Our online advocacy then transitioned into a community event in Tamwe, showcasing exciting, hands-on ways to upcycle and recycle waste. To cap it off, the event space underwent renovation to become Yangon's pioneering single-use plastic-free zone.


Campaign Impact

The #plastictimeoff campaign has been a triumphant endeavor, evident both online and in our communities. One significant achievement was gaining political commitment towards waste reduction. Local government representatives not only attended our final event but also affirmed the significance of communal waste reduction efforts. Their backing extended to arranging community meetings and amplifying our campaign through their networks.

But the impact doesn't stop there. Our community has pledged to sustain the newly established single-use plastic-free zone. Future awareness-raising events are already in the pipeline, to be spearheaded by a youth committee from within the community. Through our collective efforts, we have not only highlighted the importance of waste management but have also succeeded in mobilizing a community to be proactive in creating a cleaner, more sustainable Yangon.


Campaign Impact in Numbers

1.9 million people reached
130,000 people engaged
First Plastic Free Space created in the city


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