No more queer clichés

Bhutan | Queer Voices of Bhutan | 2023


Kuzu zangpo la!

We are Queer Voices of Bhutan, a community-centered and community-driven advocacy platform for the LGBTQIA+. Our mission is to raise awareness on LGBTQIA+ subjects and issues, and the concept of SOGIESC (sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics).

  • 15 - 30 years old

The Right-Sized Problem

There’s limited to no awareness of SOGIESC in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan.  This is because of the societal and cultural norms that we have, and the stigma surrounding the youth toward the LGBTQIA+ community. It’s not really the best situation to be in.


What did we do?

We didn't like what was happening in our city, so we let our voices be heard! We explored LGBTQIA+ themes, stories and expressions through our public advocacy campaign.  To start off, we launched a TikTok series where we interviewed young people on the street and asked them about SOGIESC. We also partnered with influencers to turn SOGIESC education into a dance trend, which they happily did! 

Our group also produced several podcast episodes to talk about SOGIESC, and these were shared on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Anchor and Spotify. The participants in our street interviews were invited to a focus group discussion and workshop, a safe space where they can freely talk and understand more about SOGIESC.


The biggest activity we held was a queer exhibition in Hotel Osel. With the theme “Out of the Closet: No More Queer Cliches”, we featured artworks, performances and articles on the diverse LGBTQIA+ stories and experiences.


Campaign Impact

The past six months have been fruitful as we were able to raise  awareness on LGBTQIA+ themes and issues, and engage in meaningful and thought-provoking conversations, creating more impact in our city.  Thanks to the Internet, we got to reach a wider group of audiences outside of Bhutan. 

It was amazing to see the inclusive environments we were able to make where everybody, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, is celebrated. We created safe spaces so the LGBTQIA+ community can freely express themselves through art, showcasing the richness and complexities of the LGBTQIA+ experiences.

Impact in Numbers

  • 2,300 people engaged with our TikTok Live 

  • 800 views on podcast video, Let's Talk QUEER: Celebrating Diversity in Bhutan

  • At least 40 individuals participated in the exhibition and focus group discussion



The Vital Role of Arts in Child Development

