Bolivia | Scout Panda and Plat Prev | 2023



We are Scout Panda and Plat Prev from Cochabamba, Bolivia. Scout Panda's mission is to raise awareness about HIV and increase prevention and access to HIV services to the youth. Plat Prev, on the other hand, is focused on preventing teenage pregnancy through educating and empowering young people.

  • 16 - 21 years old

The Right-Sized Problem

In Bolivia, the issue of teenage pregnancy is becoming a growing crisis. With an alarming average of 104 teenagers becoming pregnant every day, as reported by the Bolivian Ministry of Health, effective solutions are urgently needed in our country. The cause of this crisis boils down to deep societal issues like intra-family sexual violence and lack of education, with these young people facing an increased risk of contracting HIV and sexually-transmitted diseases.


What did we do?

We joined forces this year, building on the momentum of our 2022 initiatives, so we bring stronger impact. This time, we set out to hold engaging activities that aimed to educate and empower more young people.

We started off by participating in the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Fair at the National Youth Summit, where we set up a booth offering valuable information on sexual and reproductive health, modern contraceptive methods and ways to prevent teenage pregnancy. Then we co-organized a Youth Day Foam Party in partnership with the Autonomous Municipal Government of Cochabamba and the Youth House. This event became a platform for advocating responsible, free and non-violent youth, ensuring that their voices were heard loud and clear.

The Bicycle Rally was one of our major events, which featured a 10k route that took adolescents through health facilities that offered Comprehensive Care for Adolescents and the Cabinets of Comprehensive Care for Students. This activity also provided crucial information on preventing pregnancy, HIV, and addressing intra-family sexual violence to around 500 adolescents, teachers and parents.


More adolescents and young leaders  were able to engage in meaningful dialogues with representatives from the Ministry of Health and Sports during the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Summit. We were able to provide a space for young people to share their concerns directly to national health officials.

Recognizing the psychological impact of domestic sexual violence, we reached out to mental health institutions and universities, offering resources and information to support those who are affected.

The culmination of our efforts was marked by closing campaigns where each group presented our findings and achievements to the communities. Local authorities attended our events, emphasizing our commitment to fighting teenage pregnancy and sexual violence.


Campaign Impact

Our campaign has grown the awareness around the prevention of HIV and domestic sexual violence. Besides being equipped with crucial information, communities also know which facilities to go to when in need of support. There’s also mounting pressure on authorities to address these pressing issues.

Our efforts have led to major strides in terms of policy! Through our collaboration with the Minister of Health and Sports and other government units, we presented the Departmental Law on the Prevention of Pregnancy in Adolescents in November 2023. Besides providing protection to adolescents, this law also has provisions for education and access to support services.

As we continue fighting this battle, we are encouraged by the changes we have seen so far in our city that we hope will spread far and wide across Bolivia, and even the world.


Impact in Numbers

  • Reached 10,490 individuals

  • 137,580 views on TikTok and Facebook



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