“mi hashtag”

Cochabamba, Bolivia | Panda Scout | 2022


Hola from Bolivia! We're Panda Scouts and Plat Prev. We're two youth groups that are all about making a difference. Panda Scouts is a team of 9 Scout members passionate about HIV prevention and services, and Plat Prev is a fierce group of 10 Shifters determined to tackle teenage pregnancy and family violence. We decided to join forces because, honestly, our issues intersect in a lot of important ways.


The Right-Sized Problem

Our city was struggling, especially in areas where families are grappling with intrafamily violence and high rates of HIV. These issues aren't just stats; they're affecting real people in our communities.


What did we do?

We decided it was time to step up and get loud about it. We organized an epic public rally at Granado Plazuela, right in the beating heart of Cochabamba. We teamed up with the Foundation for the Promotion of Social-Housing Change and activated a whole series of rallies and festivals. Picture this: multi-colored flags waving, music blaring, and folks from all walks of life coming together to get educated and empowered. Even the Children's Ombudsman of Cochabamba dropped by!

We didn't stop there. We connected with local businesses to put together a bunch of awareness-raising events. We also led workshops and seminars with top-notch experts who broke down the facts on HIV and family violence. And, oh man, our grand finale was a concert at Bandera Plaza where thousands of people rocked out with us and some killer bands.


Campaign Impact

Our campaigns went viral, not just on the streets but online too. We created some dope hashtags like #mihashtag, “transmit respeto,” and “mi cuerpo, mi espacio.” These hashtags caught fire, reaching around 3,444 people who shared and talked about these critical issues. But we didn't just limit ourselves to social media; we were all over the news. Our story reached up to sixteen million people across Bolivia, thanks to TV, print, and digital media coverage. The real win was seeing our community come alive, taking these issues to heart. We've partnered up with some pretty cool allies like state decision-makers and local businesses, ensuring that the changes we're kickstarting have some staying power. Our issues come from our daily experiences, so to see our community step up and take ownership was more than just rewarding—it was life-changing. This is just the beginning, but what a start it's been!


Campaign Impact in Numbers

16 million people reached through all forms of media
20,000 people engaged on social media
2,000 community members attended concert
5 decision makers committed to action


Words from Plat Prev

“The most significant skill I learnt during the Shift journey was the resilience to be able to adapt to different difficult situations. In my day to day, I now have a greater capacity to take care of my personal projects and face the problems I am going through by always looking at the positive side of all situations.” – Camila Nicole Aranibar Torrez, 21


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Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights 4 All


“mi espacio” (my body, my space)